Mark Monteiro
Software/Web Developer
About Me
Welcome to my homepage! Here you can see a summary of my education, experiences, and projects I have worked on. If you like what you see, or just want some more information about myself, please drop me a line!

- mark.monteiro23@gmail.com
- Phone
- 226-349-3224
- Birthdate
- May 18, 1991
- Website
- www.markmonteiro.info
Tech Wizard
Senti Solutions Inc.
Guelph, OntarioSenti Solutions is an engineering design company that focuses on unique phase change, energy transfer and mass transfer applications. Prior to the introduction of this position all machines were developed for manual operation with a physical control panel interface. As the sole automation developer for this company, I am responsible for integrating software automation capabilities into these machines using programmable logic controllers and connected HMIs.
This integration starts with the architectural design of systems, taking into account requirements to connect and communicate with multiple machines in order to synchronize larger processing operations. In order to meet rigorous industrial standards, all software requirements are exhaustively documented and tested before, during and after implementation. The development of the HMIs also involves wireframe UX design, which is later complimented with a more concrete design from another designer.
As Senti is still a relatively small company with only one software developer, there are also several other responsibilities that have evolved with this role. I have also taken on the responsibility of advising on digital policy and security for the company, as well as quickly developing small, static websites as needed.
- C#/.NET Core/.NET Framework
- EF Core
- WPF/Prism
- gRPC/protobuf
- Gitlab
- Gitlab Pipelines
- Sysmac Studio
- Balsamic Cloud Wireframes
- Jekyll
- Bootstrap 4
- Html-Proofer
- Netlify
Auxilliare De Conversacion
CEIP Montgo
Denia, EspaniaHe vivido en España uno ano y trabajo en una escuela primeria ensenar ingles. Yo estudio español en la escuela de idiomas official de Denia. ¡Yo no se mucho español pero este yo lo he escrito!
Lead Developer
Guelph, OntarioTarion is a company that provides warranty protection on new homes to both buyers and sellers. Work for Tarion as a contract developer involved developing a new internal application that is used for generating risk assessment reports on home builders.
The application includes a REST-based API backend that services two different front-end applications and also integrates with several other internal web services.
As the lead developer on this project, responsibilities included:
- Design and documentation of the overall software architecture.
- Software development and testing.
- Coordination and code review of work from other project developers.
- Dev-ops work to deploy to and maintain multiple production and testing environments.
- Development of automated unit tests, integrated with the CI build process.
- Managing a JIRA project to track work (keeping tickets up to date).
- Development of project documentation.
Lead Developer
Deafblind Network of Ontario
Guelph, OntarioThe DBNO is group made up of individuals, organizations and service providers who work together to provide services for Ontarians who are deafblind. Work for DBNO as a contract developer involved creating their new web portal for deafblind people and caretakers to apply for intervenor service funding from the government of Ontario.
This project was a special challenge because it was necessary to include as many accessibility features as possible so that it could be navigated and used by users with various visual and auditory impairments. This was done with a React-based application to provide a fast, fluid, and dynamic interface, without compromising accessibility. Before launch, the site was demoed with several test groups with visual and auditory impairments and was received well.
As a development lead on this project, responsibilities included:
- Design and documentation of the overall software architecture.
- Software development and testing.
- Managing a Jira project to track work (creating and updating cases, organizing the backlog, planning sprints, etc).
- Dev-ops work to maintain multiple production and testing environments using CI/CD automation to integrate source control, code review, testing and deployments.
- Development of source code documentation for future developers.
- Client interaction to develop additional requirements for the product.
Project Lead
Value Connect
Guelph, OntarioValue Connect is a property appraisal management company, harnessing technology to facilitate speedy turnaround times and build advanced, consistent reports.
As team lead on this project, responsibilities included
- Design and documentation of the overall software architecture.
- Software development and testing.
- Managing a JIRA project to track work (creating and updating cases, organizing the backlog, planning sprints, etc).
- Dev-ops work to maintain multiple production and testing environments using CI/CD automation to integrate source control, code review, testing and deployments.
- Development of documentation for future developers.
- Client interaction to develop additional requirements for the product.
Web Developer
Sandbox Software Solutions
Guelph, OntarioSandbox Software Solutions provides development services for custom software solutions, web portals/intranets, content managed website development, and mobile app development.
Many sites are created in Sandbox's proprietary Oasis Content Management System, which is developed using Java, Hybernate and Velocity Templating. Other websites and projects have been developed using C# (ASP, WPF), PHP (Laravel) WordPress or Drupal, depending on client requirements.
- ASP.net MVC
- ASP.net Web Pages
- Entity Framework
- Laravel
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
- Oasis CMS
- WordPress
- Drupal
Bachelor of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, OntarioFive-year program developing a solid understanding of the fundamentals of computer science and its applications. This is a co-operative education program involving six work terms as part of the degree, providing a total of two years of valuable work experience.
Relevant Courses: Distributed Systems, Concurrent and Parallel Programming, Computer Architecture, Database Management, Algorithms, Data Structures and Data Management, Operating Systems, Object-Oriented Software Development
SketchUp Plugin Developer
Guelph, OntarioThis was a short-term contract job to develop a proof-of-concept exporter for SketchUp. The exporter rendered a view of the current 3D model in a 2D format that could be used in the Renoworks renderer. The plugin was developed in Ruby and C++ using the SketchUp API and also involved the use of a C++ Clipper library for performing binary operations on sets of paths in SVG files.
- SketchUp API
- Ruby
- C++
- Visual Studio 2013
Full-Stack Engineer
Grand Rounds
San Francisco, CaliforniaGrand Rounds provides subscribers to their program with access to their network of top physicians from whom they can schedule an office visit or get a second opinion on a previous diagnosis. This job involved front-end and back-end work on the main company website and several internal tools. The engineering team worked under an agile-based development cycle, with a focus on test-driven development.
- Ruby On Rails
- Slim
- Coffeescript
- Bootstrap
- RSpec
Web Developer
Ankara, TurkeyThis was a part time position working with a small startup company that was based based out of an incubator on the campus of Middle East Technical University. They had several products/projects in flight and this job involved creating websites for these products.
International Exchange
Middle East Technical University
Ankara, TurkeyThe international exchange program allows a student to spend a number of semesters obtaining credits for their home institution in another country. METU is widely considered to be the top university in Turkey, but the experience is not only educational. There is much to learn culturally in Turkey and often while travelling to new countries you also learn more about yourself.
Relevant Courses: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Computer Networks, Information Systems Management
Web Developer
Phoenix Interactive
London, OntarioOversaw the design and development of a new proof-of-concept developer portal. Worked on the project from start to finish. This included the creation of potential use-cases for the site, low-level design, implementation, documentation, and a final presentation of the completed work to company executives.
- ASP.net MVC
- Entity Framework
- PDF.js
- Microsoft Compiled HTML Help
Web Developer
Tustin, CaliforniaWorked with a small start-up team to design and develop a new home-healthcare application. Contributed to the development of the Android mobile application, web server and database.
- Tornado Web Server
- KineticJS (HTML5 Canvas)
- Android App Development
- MongoDB
Software Engineer
Phoenix Interactive
London, OntarioDesigned, coded, reviewed, tested and validated software as part of an agile development team. The software was part of back-end server software used by several major banks to manage large fleets (thousands) of ATMs. This also involved limited work in a proprietary version of C++ that ran on the ATMs themselves.
- C#
- C++
- Entity Framework
- Unity (Dependency Injection)
- MKS Integrity
Software Support Specialist
Research In Motion Ltd.
Waterloo, OntarioProvided software support for several developer tools. This involved managing user permissions, answering questions, and performing administrative tasks. Created two web applications for the support team during spare time.
- Oracle Database
- Rally
- Perforce